About the company
Sports are the most essential things to make you happy and healthy. Cricket is the passion for those who believe in themselves and love to play a team role in sports. Cricket is the passion as it’s the 2nd most popular game in the world that need a swing pusher to grow it as a base game in the United States. It could only be possible through a professional management team’s personal attention and leading hand.
Moosa Cricket Stadium’s management team took clever steps when nobody believed in it. We worked together, putting all our strength into leading Cricket and cricketers toward a bright future when everyone thought it was crazy. We work for decades facing challenges, put struggle, and joining the hardship to take it many steps ahead, but we never think to stop it. We can call ourselves successful when all American start loving Cricket as their priority sport.
We not only provide space to play Cricket but also offer services like teams can book this cricket stadium for their matches, people can join them to watch a cricket match by reserving their seats, you can watch live streaming by sitting at your comfortable or workplace, and matches highlights can also be provided to you. You can watch a live broadcast or a previous match video from our Youtube Channel.